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How can we detach from people?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor
15 replies

By attaching yourself to someone else i think


That would be again attaching to someone else


Then start doing whatever makes you happy


Nothing makes me happy anymore


I think you should talk to someone about your problems you should just let it out


Then will it resolve everything?


Talking to someone always helps It helped me in the past and its always good to talk about your problems


I don’t like talking about my problems :(

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor

Akanksha Dash @22noor

Hon’ when you aren’t happy with yourself then even if you detach yourself from people will that make you happy you think? Find happiness within yourself. Think about yourself first. Things you love. Find that child inside you which is hidden by your life’s burden.


But you have to talk to someone trust me it will make you feel good

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor

Akanksha Dash @22noor

Talk to someone whom you’re comfortable with, someone who won’t judge you, you feel like.


I am I just don’t know how :’(

In the morning today I woke up and I cried with nothing particularly happened. But because I lost interest in everything that’s why I cried


Everyone is busy in their life. You really think anyone bothers? I don’t think so that’s why I don’t talk to people more.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @22noor

Akanksha Dash @22noor

Do wanna talk to me ? You won’t be judged cause I barely know you. And you can open up to me cause I know how it feels. Let’s try to heal you?


Yes thank you!


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