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how can I truly let go of the negativity around me and how can I let go of my past?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ubrdj
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ubrdj

Ujjwal @ubrdj

By finding out what it’s trying out to teach whether it’s cute around you or whatever happened in your past…Life might give you the same lesson until you learn from it…You can’t change whatever has happened in the past so try living in the present and focus on self development…Any sort of negativity can impact you until you give it importance…when you are incharge of your thoughts the entire game changes!!
Take care and God bless ya!!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ubrdj

Ujjwal @ubrdj

**By finding out what it is trying to teach you whether in currently around you–

Sorry for the typo error


Thanks so much!! It really makes a lot of sense, I feel really good now! Appreciate it!!


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