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Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia

How can i let go of someone if i donโ€™t want to? how can i let go if i still love them? if theyโ€™re my happiness and the only reason why i was able to get through very hard times? How? I feel like i really need to do it tho, cuz i donโ€™t think we have any future, this person will never feel the same or at least i donโ€™t think so + now they live in another city so who knows if ill ever see them again. In the past i had to also let go of someone i loved and cared for a lot, this person was a friend that time, but still, it was very hard. Someone told me once that they admired me for letting go of them, for not caring about being alone, for not beggin them to stay and for doing what was best to our friendship that had a lot of problem already. But i didnโ€™t see it that way, for me that wasnโ€™t something to be proud of, for me that was being a coward, i thought i should have fight for us, i shouldโ€™ve tried harder, we should have talked about it, i did care about being alone i just pretended i didnโ€™t, i didnโ€™t do it bc it was what was best for us, yea it was best for her i mean her life when great after i left, but not for me. I didnโ€™t want any of it to happened i didnโ€™t let go, i ran away bc i was scared thatโ€™s all i did back then and im scared that this time i might do the same. How do i know if itโ€™s best to let go? How do i know if itโ€™s time to do so or i should hold on for a little bit longer? it hurst me to hold on to someone whoโ€™s probably doing well without me, someone who has no idea about my feelings but the thought of letting go hurts me even more bc holding on to this person, remebering our moments spend together makes me happy as much as it makes me hurt. But i feel like i wonโ€™t feel at ease if i donโ€™t let go nowโ€ฆ idkโ€ฆ i need help, what do i do, and if letting go is what i need to do, how do u do that?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sparkz0302
Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sparkz0302

Sparkz0302 @sparkz0302


I feel similar to you right now. I know how it feels to lose someone in your life who means the most. ๐Ÿ’” People with no emotions will tell you *โ€œo well, thatโ€™s lifeโ€ฆโ€*not really the response you was looking for ๐Ÿ˜• however, depending on the person and how much they meant to you, how much they impacted your life, mindset etcโ€ฆ That will be dependent on whether you can forget them or not. ๐Ÿ˜“ Iโ€™m my case. I donโ€™t want to forget that person, I donโ€™t even really want to carry on with life with that personโ€ฆ Ik, sad right. I just feel like I have friends in life but I donโ€™t have that one special friends who I can share anything with and be totally myself, uno like 100% ๐Ÿ’” she was my best friend, my lover, my companion, my happiness and joy. ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’• I feel incomplete without herโ€ฆ FACTS. life will never be the same again, yeah you can meet new people but itโ€™s not the same. We are so comfortable around each other to s degree I am not embarrassed to be me, just me, silly me, serious me, any me! ๐Ÿ˜• Itโ€™s so hard to find someone in life you can be 100% with, donโ€™t you thinkโ€ฆ To have a partner that is your friend, you have so much in common, you always have fun, you there for each other when their down, you have the most exciting time with them when youโ€™re both togetherโ€ฆ I mean, I canโ€™t describe it. It almost feels like a dream.
there arenโ€™t many genuine, selfless, real people in life anymore everyone who was like thatโ€ฆ No longer is because of crappy situations in their life that changes them to be like the majorityโ€ฆyeah,uno,the people who are just cold hearted, blunt, emotionless, not empathic and have been hurt so much that now they have become the one person they used to despise. ๐Ÿ˜•๐Ÿ˜“

Thatโ€™s my opinion. But like I said, youโ€™ll tell people how you feel and pour your heart out, just for them to respond with โ€œthatโ€™s life, get over it!โ€ ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ˜”

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


Thank you so much for replying and im thankful to hear someone understand. Most people do say โ€œjust get over itโ€ but as you said itโ€™s not that easy, it really isnโ€™t. I really feel like i will never find anyone like that ever again im my life it really is hard to find those kind of people, you can always meet someone knew, get new friends, anything. I meet people daily and no one ever makes me want to stay, no one ever feels like a safe place, even after knowing each other fpr a while i notice how diffrent it feels like. For example, with my ex best friend, i made other friends a new โ€œbest friendโ€ but itโ€™s not the same, it isnโ€™t the same at all, and will it ever be? I know it is hard for me to feel safe arrond people, it takes me a while to trust them so maybe itโ€™s also my fault for being so complicated and for getting so attached to ppl that make me feel like iโ€™m not, But i canโ€™t help it, itโ€™s something so unique to find someone who makes u feel at home wherever you are. My ex best friend was someone who hurt me a lot and brought out the worst of me but at the same time no matter what we would always go back to eachother cuz nobody else understood us. And then thereโ€™s this person i felt in love with, someone who was the opposite but the same feeling at the end when it comes to letting go. This person brought out the best of me, and always made me feel like i was something. Both two people who made an impact in my life, the only ppl i had in my darkests times, the only people i felt like i could tell ANYTHING i also feel like i donโ€™t want to live in a world without such people. Im glad you showed understanding more than just telling me the things everyone says, it makes me feel better that someone doesnโ€™t think im over reacting, and itโ€™s just life and this things happen, and weโ€™ve all been there , and we will meet someone else, and itโ€™s not the end of the world and blah blah blah. Bc yea i know or whatever but it doesnโ€™t help when all someone does is invalidate my feeling. So thanks for ur relpy, all you said is really thruth๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ’™

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia



Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


I also donโ€™t want to forget, like when it comes to my ex bes friend i think itโ€™s diffrent cuz i can relaly on hating her to get over it i guees( or not cuz even after all i donโ€™t think i can even hate her and i hate myself for it ) And when it comes to this person i felt in love with, we just have so many beautiful memories, and they were always good to me, thereโ€™s not a moment that wasnโ€™t a good one, the only reason why we donโ€™t talk anymore is bc we donโ€™t live in the same place, and yk time and life came in our way but if all i have are good memories and all i have is love, how? how can i want to forget? does it hurt me to remember? yes. Does it make me the happiest person ever to remember? yes it also does. So then, what?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sparkz0302

Sparkz0302 @sparkz0302


Yh I get what you meanโ€ฆ Its hard to let go of someone who has made such an impact on your lifeโ€ฆ All I do is think of that special person in my life and wish for their return ๐Ÿ˜” thru made me the happiest, I feel now they are gone I can never be the same. It hurts. I mean, really hurts uno. I just wanna smile again, I mean really smile, from my heartโ€ฆ I love being around her, she always lifts me up as do I for her. We was a good team and I believe we was soulmates.

Sometimes I think Itโ€™s easier to hate themโ€ฆ Then it would be earlier to forget. Itโ€™s hard to let go of someone you love on good terms because you constantly think about โ€œwhat ifโ€ and what it could have been.

youโ€™ll never really get over that person, there memory will make you smile, then cry ๐Ÿ˜”

Profile picture for Now&Me member @leelia

Lia @leelia


yeah, couldnโ€™t have said it better ๐Ÿ˜”


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