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How can I get over my crush of 5 years whom I never spoke but I love him deeply and sometimes even he acted like he liked but I’m not sure.Actually we stay in the same locality and or families fought a 8 years ago and are still bitter about it. I don’t know if it’s infatuation or crush or love but I’m still not able to get him out of my head even though I know we don’t have a Future. I’m not even able to look at another men which is not him whereas he follows prostitute on instagram I know he’s bad but I’m not able to get over him. And I feel as if he just played me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @s_vi
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @s_vi

Vi @s_vi

Can totally relate to this… I’ve gone through something pretty similar… Really difficult to get over…




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