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How can I focus on my studies?
Need suggestions please .

3 replies

We all struggle with that, not gonna lie. Get motivated first. Then actually think about your goals and be competitive with your classmates if you have to, in a nice way of course.
Sometimes what I also do is; (because I want to go to university) is I sit down and look at the one that I want to go to and I get so motivated to learn so I get the grades to go there.
These are some of the things that work for me. And remember your education comes before other nonsense and drama.

Piyush @314yush

Make a goal, Write it down ( scoring 80% etc ), Give up doing one thing ( playing games, eating junk etc) until you achieve your goal. Make a study group where you can study with others. and there you go :)


Have you considered the possibility that perhaps you’re in the wrong major/field?


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