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How are you the person reading this. And what is your goals in life?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mj2
7 replies

I’m pretty much numb rn. My goal in life is to be a lawyer, a women rights one hopefully and to be happy.
What about you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mj2

I’m idk not sad nor am I happy. I’m just empty… I know it doesn’t make any sense but whatever.

But may I ask why you are numb? 😕


I think it makes sense :) I have no idea why I’m numb tbh. Too much going on. I think I’m trying hard to be and it’s working.


i just had a misunderstanding with my dad over dinner and i felt like crap for few hours, prayed just now and i just feel so down. i also feel stuckkk. like reaally stuckk. my life goals right now man idk, i watched few videos to try and figure out slowly but surely about what i wanna do and all… but right now i just wanna talk to someone… Anyways i hope you are doing great there stranger ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Hope you soon enough find out what you want and that everything goes well between you and your dad. Also, thanks stranger I’m doing fine ☺️.


heeheee pray for me willya? <3


Ofc I will pray for ya ♥️ Because you DESERVE the best and happiness! ☺️


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