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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Honestly, the older I get the more I realise life sucks. It will always suck. People aren’t nice and a lot of what they show you is a facade. If you live your life completely honestly and do right by everyone then you’ll feel more alone because you’ll realise no one else lives their life like that. But do the opposite whilst internally being a good person and having a good heart and you’ll hate yourself. Growing up with a healthy household is fundamental. If you don’t then you spend your whole life undoing the mess that your parents have caused whilst feeling like the worlds worst person and unfixable while your at it. But self loathe too much and your now throwing a pity party and feeling sorry for yourself which is frowned upon. Talk about mental health until you start speaking and no one knows what to say back apart from the regular “I’m here for you” “it won’t be like this forever” and even then they don’t really care they feel awkward in the moment and don’t know what to say so throw things out to make themselves feel as if they’ve done something to help. Trying to get mental health help without having fortunes to spend is honestly a joke. Kill your self and people will say they don’t understand why you did that, but will never try to understand the amount of times you reached out for help. Tired.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyful_oyster
6 replies

Just do what you wanna do and enjoy it and just let the people think whatever they wanna think

Profile picture for Now&Me member @joyful_oyster

Just be yourself

vinay @sarkit


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