Honestly nothing makes a difference now. I can’t carry on like this.
Saniya Idrisi @saniyaidris...
Off course nothing will make a difference because they could never but you can.
I’ve lost hope
Saniya Idrisi @saniyaidris...
To tell you the truth, I’m no different from you, infact you can consider me as same as yours, currently I’m miserable and I don’t know if it can match your level but still here I am, telling you to believe in something because a truth you can never change is ‘there is hope.’
Saniya Idrisi @saniyaidris...
It’s all in the head
I didn’t get emotional support when I I needed it the most.
Same here i did expect from my family whom i only trust and I don’t have anyone but still they did not listen and emotionally they were never there for me…
आयूश @wandering_earl
Things take time
But do things ever get better?
आयूश @wandering_earl
Yes they do bro trust the process
आयूश @wandering_earl
Still do you wanna talk about it , you can connect 😇