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Honestly I don’t even know! I feel like I go through so much on my own I forgot how to ask for help. And when I try to open up I feel like no one cares.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @candy1823
12 replies

There’s always that one person that cares, Asking for help can be hard it okay to take you time doing it. Give hints to people give them a sign you want and need help. No one should feel alone or go through depression alone…


I do! No one really cares to reach out unless I text them and even when I do text them it’s nothing but judgement and I’m fine and that I’m seeking attention.


well im not here to judge we are all going through things and should feel like the world is dragging us from our throats


I guess I understand when people say it’s easier to talk to a stranger

Profile picture for Now&Me member @candy1823

pain23 @candy1823

Yeah I guess because we don’t have any connection with them we feel free to speak. We care more about what the people are close to us think the most


Very true!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

Don’t worry if someone cares or not, what’s important is to vent out your problems to someone and there could be someone who will tell you how to resolve them. It’s not always about someone caring/getting attached…you can be unattached and still solve your issues. And ofcourse, you need to find that inner circle of friends who you can keep in touch always and care about you. It takes time to have good friends:) take care 🧡


I’m 24 I’ve been looking for that group of friends for awhile. Everytime I think I find it I get stabbed in the back. So of course I want Atleast one person to care about me. To me it’s not important to just vent. I could vent here all I wanted at the end of the day it doesn’t take that feeling of being lonely away.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ricky_

Ricky @ricky_

It’s true whatever you said…we all need that one person rather I would say…our genetics or human nature is such that we seek a companion naturally…I guess it’s a part of human evolution to find a partner rather than finding happiness in solitude. But anyways, keep trying and I hope you get a caring person who understands you well. It’s not just you, everyone including me is looking for that one person always…it’s human genetics 🧬 😅

lost_soul_ @lost_soul_

I know it’s really hard to open up to people. I know it from experience. But people who love you, are always…always gonna care and have time for you. Communication style of people are different, so maybe it might be a but hard to explain them. But people who love you, they always care.


Can’t wait to find those people ❤️

lost_soul_ @lost_soul_

I hope you do, soon ^__^


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