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Honestly I am happy with my current status. I am doing good at studies and family stuff and I don’t really need a boyfriend or someone I can love.
But you know when I see my friends or other couples on social media or in person, I just ask myself a question, “Am I missing something!?”.
I don’t know the answer to it. Talking about guys, I am friends with really good guys and if I ever think of dating I think I have a large choice but it all narrows down to if I date someone I won’t be able to give my best on other things(studies and family)
I just don’t really know.

3 replies

I completely understand. I m also in the same phase. It is easy to get into a relationship but very difficult to maintain one. This is keeping me away from getting into one. I m personally not ready to invest so much of time and energy to a relationship


I think you should not get into a relationship because of peer pressure. You should learn to live your life on your own first. Find your passions, your happiness and work towards them n not compare your life with others. And while you are in the journey of self discover if you find someone you feel something for then you can be with that person if they feel the same. But finding yourself is important than finding the other one.

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