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Honestly, almost everyday,since I am 11 years old, if I not mistaken.
I always feel this things. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s just makes me uncomfortable. It’s feels like bittering. I hate it. I’ve tried so many ways to get rid. But it’s not working. Especially in this pandemic. I need to learn from home since I am a student. I am 15 years old right now. I can’t do all of my schoolworks since 5 months ago. I’m feeling guilty towards my teachers and parents because I didn’t do all of works. I hate myself. I don’t know how to deal with this uncomfortableness. I’m feeling bad of myself. I have been such a trouble to all of the persons that I know and make them hate me a lot more. The only thing that caused all of these problems is this restless and unmotivated feelings that always bothering me. I just hope that I can diminish this anxiety away from me sooner.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kiyoko
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kiyoko

kiera @kiyoko

hi <3 i’m also 15 and i’ve been struggling with social anxiety for 3 years now. ive been remote and it’s the same thing with me. i feel so unmotivated to get work done then it keeps piling up, the next day i have double the work then triple then so much that i just block it out of my mind. My parents are asian and have high expectations and i feel like i’ve failed them. but the best piece of advice i’ve been given is to take it one start at a time and celebrate small accomplishments. Very slowly i’m getting back on track. try your best to just get started, no need to finish but come up with a plan for ur school work. But remember that life isn’t about how well we can study and our value isn’t the grades we get, and that we should find something that makes us truly happy. for me it’s sitting in the rain or skateboarding that make me enjoy life, i usually like being alone listening to music it’s where i feel most at peace. from someone who suffers from social anxiety my advice is to take life one step at a time and find what makes you feel most at peace:)


Thank you so much for your attention. I’ll try my best to follow your advices.

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