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Hii I’m new
Going through a very bad heart break recently and i have no idea how to overcome it😔

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si
Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_skull_
Profile picture for Now&Me member @1m_rijju
37 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

Leave the pain to time it will heal…
Stay strong

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

I’m not that strong to let him go in front of my eyes too difficult

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

It will become okay…give it some time…take care

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

What if it doesn’t heal

Hardik Dewan @karandewan

Time heals everything

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

Yupp maybe it does with patience which I really don’t have

Hardik Dewan @karandewan

Why you can’t have patience

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

Because I never had

Ank @ankita9498


Bobby Kiran @kiran321

True yaar

Aditi Singh @aditsinh


Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

When you love someone you don’t sign a pact to keep him or her forever i know the togetherness is heaven but love doesn’t come with happiness it brings pain too just give time everything will be ok

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

True but when you love someone soo badly that you can’t imagine a day without him then being together means everything 🥺

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

Love can’t be selfish i guess if you are so selfish to have him not letting him go its not love
Also he won’t leave if he is in love with you no matter what condition exists…

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

Idk maybe I’m selfish if I can’t live without him makes me selfish then its ok I am

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

Then don’t call it love

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

Just because you are telling me not to call that it doesn’t mean it is not so stop being soo over confident

Profile picture for Now&Me member @naina_si

NAINA @naina_si

I am not overconfident i am old school where love had the meaning what krishna and radha told i was relating that love but if u r talking about todays selfish type love then congo forget about my comments … Truth always hurts… U won’t get an answer here because you have your own answer already built up … Try to listen instead of seeking attention

Mahvish Patel @mahvish

Broo I really don’t need your attention maybe you did

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99

shiva kumar @shivavolley99

You are mature

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aditya05

You are absolutely right
In today’s world people love each other only because of certain reason
But true love is blind
True love is just truly connected with other emotionally

Navneet Ge @navnett

Hello ji

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_skull_


Human beings are much more into expectations that’s why they seemed to be grounded towards other’s opinion…
As a human being you must learn how to live alone …
Master how to love someone without attachment…
Attachment is like poison to humans…
Whether you are man or woman…
Focus on yourself…
Master skills that can help with you to live your life happily 🙂.

Tarun Mukhija @s5629191285...

Amman smdxk

Profile picture for Now&Me member @1m_rijju


Nikini Rathod @swapnilrath...




Shubam Arora @naxh



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