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Hii, i’m a young men, i’m not a successful or independent person yet, i was effected by so many things in my teenage as love, drugs, doing bad things as stealing, selling dope, skipping school, …
generally, i did what a teenager from a family from the underclass can do in the road of finding himself, 
i always feels that i’m from the bottom of the social classes pyramid, i feels that i come from where the criminals and the people that the society hate, and parents hid their kids from
i have a problem in my life, from i was a baby i always move to another place to live with my parents, the longer duration that i lived in one place was only 4 years, so it was always hard for me to find people that i can consider them as my friends, 
i always said that i don’t have friends i only have contacts,
even my relationships with girls were always complicated,
i get loved by so many girls, but I did not go so deep with them, because i don’t want to get attached to each other, because i know that the life always take me to far places and events, and make me change my life style, and that i can’t really be a good partner with someone how loves me,
and there’s this girl that i known online from the social media 2 or 3 years now, she’s from a far place that i used to live in in the past, i never meet here, but we talked ( chat & calls ), and we was said cute things, flirting and say love you to each other, she said that she is so excited to meet me, but we never meet, because of my life style but we still talking until now, but the problem is that i think that i get attached to her,
i find her smart and dumb at the same time and cute, she’s good in school unlike me because i quit the school,
her social situation is very good, she is from a good neighborhood, and her parents pay her everything she need so she can only focus in school ( unlike me )
as i said before i find her smart but also funny and friendly, she have too many friends ( unlike me ), and her social situation is very good i really wish if i have her life, for me she’s a real goal and i really car about her, 
now we don’t talk so much, and we don’t have common things to talk about, because we are so much different, we still say love you to each others, but i don’t know if she say it because she do or just because she get used to say it, i still flirt with her and she don’t mind,
i think that she maybe lost interest on me, she still text me first sometimes, but i still think that she don’t want to talk to me, or that she don’t want to find subjects to talk about or that sometimes she finds me boring,
i don’t want her to get i a relationship with me or something like that, because i know that i can’t be a good partner and because she lives so far from me, but i know that i can be a good partner and a good person for her if had a better social grade, 
now i don’t know what to do with her because i really love her, but we are not in same world, she’s a great girl from that she lives in a great conditions, and i’m just a street hustler that he still in the road of success, and of course she see everyday guys in the same level
i think that i have to let it go, and move on, because i’m not in her level and being attached to her confuses me on my business,
what y’all think that i should do ?

9 replies

Hi Mr.,I want to help you but you should know one thing. Lots of people can give lots of suggestions but in the end, you have to decide after listening to each suggestion what your heart wants and what is your relationship with that girl. Because your conversations with each other are not something that we know so will not be able to tell how much you love each other. So ultimate decision is yours based on your understanding. Now coming to what you said. If you really love her and feel like she will be a great partner to you all your life, then you must go for it. Social situation is temporary. You are hustling, you don’t in next 5,7,10 years where you will be. Rajnikanth became superstar, he was bus conductor before. Even Modi ji used to sell tea at stalls. Robert Downey Jr. was in prison and his dad used to force him to take drugs. Everybody has the capacity to do great things in life. So, if you want to be a better person for her, then that is very good. Nothing wrong with that. You should think about your goals in life, what you want to achieve first. Once you know that, you will be able to know if she is the one for you and if fit in your plans.     There is nothing wrong with lack of friends because when you have to work, you have to work, and wrong people and friends just distract and not help in growth sometimes. Don’t think of your past as a burden. What has happened has happen, and you sound like a good person because you understand and care about things. Your social class does not mean you will always be there. Change is possible. You just have to believe and work towards it.


thank you


You should ask her whether she really loves you or not. May be she also feels the same for you and is not able to express herself as girls are shy in nature. You should go for it directly and I know you are so nice because you care for her and I hope you succeed. All the best please try at least.


You can tell her that you love her it is possible that she may come to you and meet you and you can continue with your relationship it is also possible that she likes you and she is afraid that she may loose your friendship after telling this. I think you should tell her it will really help you out of this.


thank you


Your most welcome. Have you talked to her? According to me she will say yes and you can continue with your happy relationship. I hope you do so.


talk to here about what? i don’t want a relation with her right now i don’t really know what i want from her!! i think that i have to focus in my life that’s will be better for me and her if i we get together in the future


Can you please tell your city?


I am so sorry for that. Can you tell your city,  if you can’t I am sorry for that too,  really sorry.


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