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Hii I think this place is making me more nervous because someone just unfollwed me on Instagram maybe because she was expecting something else.
This is how the world is right now.
Can’t we just find someone who can appreciate who we are

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee
27 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin

I can be ur frnd😊not that everyone is the same


Hii thank you so much I would loved that

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin

Sure np😁


How can I connect to you?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin

U have wp?


What is wp?


Hii waiting for your reply please can’t wait to be someone’s friend

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin

It’s WhatsApp


Yess I have it

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shirin

Ok how do i share my no?



Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

Appreciation is really important, and though I don’t know you, but I’m very sure, that you’re amazing. Don’t expect people to appreciate you because their too mean nowadays, and will only criticise you. Love yourself and appreciate your efforts.


Thankyou for this but I just want someone with whom I can talk to

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee

We can have a talk here.


Not comfortable here

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dhvanee

dhvani @dhvanee



Let me know if we can be friends somewhere else because in this we both would be just anonymous and I don’t want this I want friendship who truly accepts but I can see that you are ni8 comfortable with it so it’s your call


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