Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
Hii , I am just a new Comer here, and I really don’t know what should I write , or how to begin, … anyways all I wanna say at this moment of time is I feel sad, depressed and way too worthless… I don’t understand how can I ever respect and love myself?? I have been mentally abused as a child and I have realised this fact for a long period of time now , but idk I am not able to mend myself as I have hot too many issues within myself … I don’t know if I should say this here but I have seen domestic violence at my house, which has a drastic affect on me I guess …
Take it each day at time,you’ll heal with time,find hobbies that bring you happiness,you can’t control how others treat you ,but you can choose to react in a positive way or a negative way
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
You are right! I am employed I barely get enough time to carry out my hobbies also I just don’t feel like doing anything cz I already get too much exhausted
Raghav @r4gh4v
You are not alone and there are people who are good and you can trust them. Try to understand the situation but if it’s not possible to mend then ignore them as much as you can and focus on your career, friends, and good things. One day you will find a solution to all this but till them you need to hold to something. Don’t loose hope.
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
Hey, thankyou so much !!! Meant alot
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
It was really nice to read things like these 💫💫
Raghav @r4gh4v
I meant it really… I hope things get better for you… they did for me… :)
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
I am glad it did for you!! Happy to hear that !
Dreamer @aheadofthecurve
The quality of a fruit depends on th environment in which it is raised in , if you’re still having issues, I would say to change the place where you’re living in maybe that will give you some peace!
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
Heyy! I totally agree with you , and that’s why my mom has planned to shift me abroad for my higher studies and to live on my own terms but again you know it scares the shit out of me to leave her and the people I love here … !!
Dreamer @aheadofthecurve
You’ll do just fine, think of it as your first day in school, it’s uncomfortable at first but it gets better
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
Yeahh !! You speak really well and with appropriate examples ! It is good to hear from you !
Dreamer @aheadofthecurve
Thank you! But in reality i suck at explaining things , my thoughts outrun my ability to talk/write. Glad I could help!
Kanishka Sarin @kanishkasa...
No, you don’t suck at all ! You are pretty good at it
Dreamer @aheadofthecurve