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Hi!! Wish you all good days ahead.
I don’t know where to start from. Okay so I am a 10th grader. So there’s this guy who was my neighbour, he had left our place long back. He is 8 years elder to me. A week back somehow he texted me. I didn’t recognize him at first but later we started talking casually about life and studies. After talking for hardly 2 days. He all of a sudden expressed his feelings to me. Being not at all interested in relationships I politely told him that I am not into all these and he should find someone better. He might have got hurted. He then told that he will wait for 4 years and will ask the question again. I didn’t reply anything as this topic was too unexpected. He used to text me during his office hours. He was getting too close to me and I didn’t want this closeness. I told him that he should not get too close to me and things might not happen as per his imagination. He told me that the more he talks to me the more his feelings grew. Then onwards I started behaving coldly to him. Yesterday, not able to see his replies, I don’t know why I started to get negative thoughts and hence, I texted him a lot but didn’t get any reply. Today all of a sudden he asked me if I love him or not. I told him that it isn’t love but I do have a concern for him. He then told that his ex has returned and he doesn’t want to continue talking to me. I doubt that he is lying cause 2 days ago he had told that his ex is happily married. I didn’t tell him anything. Now we aren’t in touch. But I don’t know why I am feeling guilty. I might have hidden my feelings from him but its just a crush and not at all love. Have I done anything wrong? Do I need to tell him anything now?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dran89

TeeJay @dran89

Just stop it where it is. This isn’t going to work out. No need to feel guilty.


Thank you


Hello fellow 10th grader ! In my pov you did not do anything wrong. He asked weather you love him or not you spoke the truth…and if he’s creating a distance let it be cause if a distance is not created even your feelings will grow stronger and things will mess up even more. It’s gonna affect you for some days but then you’ll be fine with it. But if you really want back what you had with that guy and indulge in it again you can text him and tell him everything. But think twice before choosing the 2nd option. Good Luck :)


Honestly I don’t feel like going with the second option. First option seems the best for me.
Thank you :)


Most welcome


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