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β€Ί3am Thoughtsβ€ΊThought


Hi, whoever’s reading this stupid rant, how 's your day going? So, I was talking to someone, a person, who I’m not exactly best friends with but she’s a part of my friend group, so I usually make the normal talk. I’m friendly, I have nothing against her. But the thing is I have a habit. I’m not trying to brag or show off, I swear but sometimes I use different, complicated english words. I promise I’m not trying to boast or anything but it’s a habit I’ve had since covid took up my time and I read new books back then. So, I’d try to make use of such words, you know, so I could learn more. So, this girl, she told me that I act like I know everything and that I’m extremely intelligent but in reality I’m very dumb. Then she said that I only act like I know everything because I know complicated words. Then she repeatedly kept telling me that I’m not smart but I’m actually very dumb and that I should stop acting like I am smart. I felt very small. Like I know I’m dumb but sometimes when I get creative or think of something I feel smart. But I know I’m stupid. And maybe I act like I know a lot of things, but that’s just a little trick to help with my self-esteem. For some reason, I felt like she was right, and that I didn’t deserve all the little confidence-growing talks I have with myself or the self-esteem boosters I try. Was it really stupid of me to act like that?

8 replies

How others make conclusion about you is their problem. You shouldn’t worry or stress yourself on how your β€œfriend” sees you. Sounds like you are happy and confidence when you learn new things. Keep that up. Keep reading and stay happy.


Thanks. How is your day?


Thanks for asking. Just a lovely Friday morning here. Beautiful weather so far. How was your day?


its been great

Mikhayla Jean @mikhayla


You are learning and growing. What you did is an efficient way to develop communication skills with good words. Don’t pay attention to those who don’t understand. If they don’t support you and make you feel so small, are they really your friends?


She’s not actually my friend. She’s just a part of the circle. It’s not in my hands who is allowed to be there. How is your day?

Mikhayla Jean @mikhayla


Oh. Then just ignore. My day was good. How about yours?


was just fine


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