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Hi this is my first time sharing and you might think that this is not really a big deal but I’m having a hard time because of this. We have 8 dogs, my dog just gave birth to 3 puppies and my parents said we can’t keep it and I felt upset about it because I don’t want them to go but I have accepted that I need to give them away but they promised that I can keep the male dog, but later this morning, my mom just barged in and said that she’ll sell the dog because someone offered a 2k pesos so 99.89 USD. I was okay with it because I thought she’ll sell the girl one, but then she said the buyer wants the boy. I’m so upset that I talked back at her and then she burst out and told me that I don’t even do stuff for dogs like feed them, clean their mess, etc. I got mad and I told her that I DO clean their stuff and said that I can’t let go of the male dog since she doesn’t want more puppies she should sell the female dogs not the male one. I was so upset and so is she, so when it’s time to eat lunch and I got up to join them in the kitchen, they asked why I was there and that I didn’t even help them in the kitchen but she didn’t know that I was studying for the exam tomorrow and because I didn’t do my math quizzes I have to do it at that moment even though I was so stress because I wasn’t able to study half of my exam. So I walked out and did not eat, I was so hungry I didn’t eat breakfast and lunch and when they’re done I tried to check if they left me some food but didn’t… I shouldn’t be surprised since they don’t left me any food when I overslept a few times and didn’t get to join them to eat. So what I did is I slept the whole afternoon even though I have class tomorrow just to lessen my hunger, I’m so hungry but I don’t have any choice so I’ll just drink water. Now my father told me I have to give my other dog away, waffles because she’s too loud and bothers the neighbors. What could get worse right? What do you think guys? What should I do…I’m so upset, I’m so hungry. I keep crying because hunger really is NOT a JOKE, I can’t even study properly because of my hunger. Should I sleep and fail the exam tomorrow? I hope someone replies quickly

4 replies

Hi! Anonymus
first of all…yes you should sleep… besides…you HAVE to sleep but don’t fail the exam. I don’t think failing the exam can help you fixing off your tension between you and your parents. Second, everything that enters in our life…in short term ‘relationships’ has an end. Every relationship has it. Even your pets…I understand that your upset abt ur parent’s decision… but don’t hold the grudge at them 4 too long…okay? why? is not gonna solve anything…N if you act towards your anger to them…its gonna make your relationship with your parents worse… so… I think you need to calm down…first… don’t let your feelings control you…throw away that ego of yours and talk to her… (don’t get me wrong…everyone has an ego-personality)
BUT… if you don’t want to do that… just get them out of your head… don’t let them get into you… what I mean is… don’t let their decision distract you… you have an exam, right? focus on that… for the time being… just ignore and avoid them… sorry idk what else to say.

Now…your parents not leaving any food 4 u?
man…that’s just pissed me off… no one deserves to be treated like that… but… you can make your own food, right? just eat anything that you have in the kitchen. biscuits, bread, spaghetti, make yourself some tea or smoothie…just don’t get hungry… it’s not good 4 your health… if they don’t let you… idk what to say… I mean who the f doesn’t give her children food, right? (explain the “bad to your health” part to your parents, cuz if you got sick cuz of hunger… prison is where they belong…at least in my country is…pls don’t be misunderstood… I didn’t say that your parents should go to jail) btw don’t eat junk food too either… is not gonna help.

p/s: the explanation part I advise you don’t do it…especially the jail part… I think is gonna worsen your tension with them.

Now…let’s talk about your mother thinking that you didn’t take care of your dogs… she’s a human…human make mistakes…make bad assumptions… at least you really did your responsibility to take care of your dogs… whether your mother wants to believe it or not… is up to her…

lastly… I think you should listen to some music… sometimes it can release your stress and all those emotions that you’ve been bottle up… music heals you… trust me… all you gotta do is find the right one that somewhat, resembles your situation, emotion etc

well… I think that’s it…
oh and good luck with your exam… don’t be stress… is not good 4 your health

take care.


Awww thank you so much! This really helps me a lot, you’re so kind! I wish you all happiness in life! Thank you! And we’re fine now😊 I also accepted that I don’t get to keep my puppies but it’s fine, just like what you said every relationship has an end to it. I have accepted everything. Thank you for your kind and understanding words!


Maybe you can just sneak some food in your refrigerator then eat it inside your room… and as for the dog it was really really hard to let go of our dog hmmm just try to take care of your dog and just clean the dog’s stuff and feed them… maybe your parents will change their minds


Thank you for your advice 😊 I have accepted that I don’t get to keep my dogs and it’s fine now, I can’t change their mind. Thank you very much! I tried sneaking out foods btw HAHAHAHA but the fridge is empty that day hehehe


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