Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tobediscovered

There are times when we actually force our mind to forget the worst.But when we try to fool our mind,that genius fool us. The more we push it away,the more it penetrate. Subconsciously we are imprinting. Just let go…things can get tough to get through .Wake up, make a cup of tea, look at the nature… it is smiling back isn’t it… be with your family ,call your friends ,cherish your memories,read a book view the world in a deeper sense. Remember you are not alone in this game.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25
Profile picture for Now&Me member @5han7
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tobediscovered
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

well said👏👏

small things in life matter the most, when you go through bad phases in life just remember one thing that its okay…its okay to be sad, its okayyy to feel lost sometimes and its okayyy not to know when will everything is going to be all right again. But just hang in there because thats what you’re supposed to do, life is not about feeling great and happy all the time its about learning and moving forward no matter what.

soooooooo keep moving forward…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tobediscovered

Well said, thanks for acknowledging and your time…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @5han7

healer @5han7

prefect … can’t find words to appreciate for such kind and wisdom thoughts.




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