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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rebeccaolivia

Rebecca Olivia @rebeccaoli...

So im back after a long time away from here. I actually forgot that i had this account on here and since i was last on here a lot of stress has happened.

Im pretty sure ive spend all of 2021 in stress and it got to me over the winter break in the form of a burnout.

This year is my last year of high school and im so close to study leave for prelims rn, which i really need. This year im studying higher maths, higher psychology and advamced higher English (those are Scottish qualification levels, it might change what its called depending on where you live). So this year is quite stressful and exhausting.

I also do a course on a Friday where i go and work at the local museum on a Friday and i love it, the staff there are so understanding with what im going through and let me do any studying i need todo since the work i do for them i get done rather quickly.

I’m going to get the app for this website on my laptop since downloading things on my phone isn’t easy and then i can check back here more regularly and interact with people.

I really need study tips! I struggle with studying and keeping good levels of motivation so any tips are welcome! :)

Talk again soon,

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rebeccaolivia
3 replies

Aditya More @adityamore599

Heyy Rebecca,
I am just in the same situation, I want to study further but on other earning is also necessary.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rebeccaolivia

Rebecca Olivia @rebeccaoli...

I totally agree, im yet to find my first job / way of income and my careers advisor is constantly going on about me needing a plan for as soon as i leave school.
Im planning on writing my CV this year bus after my exams are done

Aditya More @adityamore599

If I had to give any suggestions I would have said you to go for studies if you have a choice rather than a full time job. U can try for a part time with studies.


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