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Sexual HealthThought


Recently I did something which I am feeling guilty about and I do not know how to process that guilt.
I have always believed in love more over physical intimacy. I am not someone who would go for hook ups or one night stands.
It had been two years since I have felt close to someone.
Recently I made a profile on a dating app. Matched with a guy, we talked for a few times before meeting. The meeting went fine. We went for drinks. And I was a bit tipsy.
Later he dropped me home. And asked if he can come over. Generally I would have said no to any guy but I don’t know what happened that night I invited him over. Then we had few more drinks together at my place.
Then one thing led to another and we ended up making out. After that night he said that he felt good with me but I don’t know if it was my actual feelings that made me close to him or it was the alcohol or maybe the need of being close to someone. I did something like this for the first time in my life and feeling so guilty about it.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23
Profile picture for Now&Me member @ujjwals
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
13 replies

Hey girl it’s fine , what’s done it’s done forget it :) and don’t regret


I went against my ethics in life. It feels like I have betrayed myself and that it badly bothering me.


Ethics and physical needs are different tracks can’t take both together…


Hey hey hey , it’s fine whats done we can’t undo that but we can take lesson na ? Next time be careful , and tbh guys intention were that only when he wanted to come home on first date only thats what I assume anyway next time be careful sending u love ❤️

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @vamshi23

Mr.Vamshi Goud @vamshi23

Marriage before se x is definitely ok madam ,clam down relax no need to feel guilty,even if u did u can’t go back in time na ,why waste time in something which never gonna be alright
Chill kar , making out is ok
If u feel ur problem is huge just imagine life’s of people who doesn’t have basic needs in life ,just imagine their pain nd ur prblm
Your prblm may seem small to u then ok
Just take things cool ok
I just want to say nothing will happen if u feel guilty then chill , be happy it’s common making out…


It’s not sex before marriage what’s bothering me…it’s sex without love

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Ujjwal @ujjwals

It’s alcohol mixed with biological needs. You know alcohol triggers the physical desire and he had a great chance to had you so he acted perfect. In love no other substance needed to have sss.


You needed someone to be around you…you wanted to feel appreciated … however you migh come off as easy to him and other guys which is not good for person of any gender…how are you feeling rn btw

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

There is nothing to be guilty about, okay?
Things happen and what we believe in or what we think we would like to preach in our life doesn’t always go planned and that’s okay. I can say that with experience.

Now that you’re sober, go back to the moments and think hard (yes! you will see an answer) what was the underlying reason?
- To be able to get physical warmth
- To have someone around who gives you attention
- The idea of a guy wanting to be with you
- You and the guy feel for each other and want to continue and see where it goes; both physical and emotional intimacy

Then decide how you want to proceed. And if you’re okay with that considering factors you have made for yourself for your way of life.

I hope it helps. 🌼


hey, it’s OK! There is no need to feel guilty for trying something. If it’s not for you, that’s OK :) remember to stay true to yourself, that’s what’s important. Also if you were kissing him when you normally wouldn’t because you drank that’s a really bad sign, he should be waiting until your sober because alcohol and consent don’t go together.


Yeah… you’re right for having standards… everyone saying it’s fine …it’s really not fine…you deserve better


Don’t be guilty about it try figuring out later and see what happens


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