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ask_098 @aksh7k

Hi, new to this…

Bored, just scrolling people’s post of vacation, weddings and parties…
Everyone’s bussy posting to prove that they are happy and bussy.

I dnt have friends to hangout and it’s Okay!! Absolutely fine… but somewhere i feel lonely, highly ignored and completely lost socializing skills.

9 replies

Same here. You r not alone

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Dude even I don’t have friends , I feel the same and sometimes I think I would have someone like that but I am keeping me busy doing things making myself by happy and trying to forget others

ask_098 @aksh7k


I too do same thing I read books, do some sketches etc but being myself all the time. By This iam loosing socializing skills and I get anxious in public.


True said but what can we do even I feel the same ,I take out myself and enjoy myslef do that you will feel so good about yourself and do things which you wanted to do don’t wait for others ,I know it’s difficult bcz I have been there but there is no way , if you know any other things do let me know also yaar

Alissa @alissafarid


Hello there welcome to Now&Me.
I understand you feelings and I’m sure you have your own fav hobby or things you want to try or like to do it right? My suggestion if you want to improve more about social skills is by find and join group that suitable to ur hobby. By that, you can make friends and find some friends who stay nearby ur place to hang out and learn together about ur hobby or learn new things you want to try.

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Alissa @alissafarid


You can find it in Telegram or Facebook but need some extra careful with people if you are female (you know why I said it right) or maybe you can browser in google, classes or club near at your place (not online class but have online group in any applications)

Alissa @alissafarid


find it in any applications or browsing in google any place that have or make classes you want nearby your place . register and be part to their team


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