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My ex is an idiot. Who will never be able to grow as a person. Not because he cannot but because he doesnā€™t want to. Also he is a narcissist. Now I donā€™t know what actually is a narcissist but I Googled it and I could relate to every single thing he said. He always praised his ownself. Sent selfies of his ownself all the time, some of them honestly were very ew since he is not that great looking. He would praise his ownself and his family like they were the centre of universe and the whole universe revolved around him and his family. He is such a superficial person and doesnā€™t have a brain of his own. He has this whole idea of how he wants his relationship with the other person and this is how it must be. He doesnā€™t wanna know what the other person wants and thinks he is right all the time. Plus he is a big time liar. The biggest liar I have come across in my whole life. He wasted so much of my time. I on the other hand tried my best to please him even when my gut was telling me something is not right. And then when I stopped pleasing his narcissist self, he left me out of nowhere without even giving me a proper explanation. Making me feel like Iā€™m the bad guy. Now he in his mind thinks of himself as someone who is mighty and is very smart and thinks that Iā€™m the bad guy. While in actuality his narcissism and stupidness caused me so much pain and honestly to be very honest it still fills me up with rage that he still thinks he has made the right decision. And is not getting his karma back. I swear if this guy didnā€™t get his karma back iā€™mma stop believing in a lot of shyt and Iā€™ll be having a reason for that. What do you guys think?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


There are some people like these who think the whole world is about them and we should adjust in that rather they donā€™t even care if someone leaves as they are very much self-centered. It was best for you that he broke up with you and you donā€™t have to tolerate all this. I hope you are happy about it?

Also, everything else is considerable since you faced things but letā€™s not talk about being smart/not smart. If you didnā€™t like it, you could have revoked and I hope you told that on his face too about the ā€œewā€ thing and if not, you shouldnā€™t say things like these.

Karma does happen but it will not come to you to ask or tell you. It will happen whenever it has to happen. If you have so much against him and didnā€™t get the opportunity to tell him, go ahead and take out your frustration. Even if he doesnā€™t care or will let go, you will feel better by taking out and he somewhere inside he will know what he did.


Dude. I never said I didnā€™t like any of those pictures, of course I did because I was in love. What I was trying to tell that itā€™s a sign of self obsession. Isnā€™t it? Also sometimes people are ā€˜not smartā€™ by choice, didnā€™t I say that in the beginning that he will never be able to grow as a person not because he cannot be because he doesnā€™t want to. Please donā€™t be so harsh and quick to judge the other person. We are all here for a cause. I feel the pain thatā€™s Why tried expressing my Feelings.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199


I am sorry if it sounded rude, and by no means I was judging.
I read everything that you wrote and even understood it. Thatā€™s why I said that since he was your BF you would have liked it thatā€™s why you would have never said anything to him but calling someone pictures ew isnā€™t right, is what I am trying to tell you and it may be helpful for future purpose. And yes, as I mentioned some people are self-centered. And sometimes itā€™s good to let them know and you never know how it can benefit the other person even in the slightest manner.

And, sorry again if it sounded harsh. You can and are welcome to share whatever you feel like. We are here for you! šŸ’™


Thanks friend :) I will take your advice :)


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