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Hi ๐Ÿ‘‹
Itโ€™s my first time here hehe so this will be my first post.

Uhm, I havenโ€™t been in a relationship since birth, just have some crushes of course (and most of them are girls) but Iโ€™m already mid 20โ€™s and I donโ€™t but I just wanted suddenly to be in a relationship (I know itโ€™s not easy) maybe because during this lockdown Iโ€™ve been watching some romantic kdramas and movies that Iโ€™m picturing myself what if I have someone like those couples HAHAHA

Iโ€™ve got some suitors back then who asked me on a date and agreed to come but then I find myself after couple of weeks loosing interests on those guys. I felt like Iโ€™m not good in keeping people :(

So now this, I have a college classmates who had a crush on me and even helped me with my thesis back then which eventually stopped since I think he thought I took him for granted.

He is now chatting me on messenger and talking about things, I donโ€™t know his motive but Iโ€™m still replying to his messages, but thereโ€™s one time that I didnโ€™t reply after a week, I saw his tweet saying that if someone wants to play a game they should end it not leaving itโ€™s opponent halfway through. After reading that tweet I let couple of days passed by and reply to his messages HAHA I really donโ€™t know what he wants from me if he just wants to be friends or what.

Heโ€™s also asking me out after the lockdown but I told him that I will go only if we have one of my friend to come with us. Iโ€™m uncomfortable being around with guys alone. hmm.

1 reply

Hello theree! I think weโ€™ve all been there and felt these emotions. I want to date someone too since the past 2 years BUT I donโ€™t find anyone with whom I bond.

and also during the lockdown, I feel extra lonely, so I can understand what youโ€™re feeling.

About your college classmate, itโ€™s okay to meet after the lockdown and itโ€™s okay to go with a friend till you donโ€™t trust him and feel comfortable.
Iโ€™d say what I say to all my friends: Take it slow and see where things go!!!


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