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Hi initially he was the one who liked me he text me ever time and he was so good to me but while I said I like him to he said it won’t work out let’s be friends so we decided to be friends and started where still I got feelings for him inside me .we never met once even when we planned it gets cancelled every time…day by day our conversation became deeper like lovers and beyond on sudden point he started avoiding me when I asked he said he was busy with work issues but I got a strong feeling that he was avoiding as even when he message he do just for a formality or not like before …so I don’t know am I the one who got confused by love by his text and talk ?? Did he have feeling for me or not is the question in my mind every time now I started waiting for his text daily I’m so confused how to come out of it’s and I’m waiting to him at-least once

7 replies

Just don’t wait maybe he got someone new or maybe he just wanted to use you


Hey girl
I got u ❤ i totally understand how u feelin at the moment.
If he was being nice to you that dsnt mean he is in love with you…i understand u started getting feelings for him and u fell in love. Bt at the other end if he really loved you he will definitely look for chances to see you meet you and love you.
Sweetheart you are worthy of being loved unconditionally and cared and pampered too🌸
Its a simple answer for your question…NO he dint have any feelings for you rather he preffered to be just friends with you.
I belive the person who will always love you in return and will always make time for you
Know that you are worth and you deserve to be loved in return❤


Thanks for those kind words …when ever he do this and come back I end up forgiving him when he says sorry about his action 😩


Its because u have a big heart and you u are a nice person…the more u crave for him the more it ends up being toxic to ur health
Its okay to forgive him but try to focus more on urself and love yourself 1st
The right person will already be on the way to u 😁


So sweet thank u so much ☺️ feeling much better and will come out of it stronger




Well whatever you do you should try not to talk to him. don’t be desperate. There was a time he was alone and bored so he texted you to get some validation. It is more better as compared if he said yes, so appreciate a liitle and move on be productive.😉


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