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Emotional AbuseThought


Hi, I’m married for 9 years and have a 2 month old daughter. My in laws family have mentally tortured me for last 8 years and exploited me for my hard earned money. I had left my house alone but my husband moved out from his family home and convinced me to go back to him and stay separately. Now again he has started pushing me to patch things up with in laws which I don’t want to do as they are not good people. My husband is still torturing me and my parents mentally under the influence of his parents.
I don’t know how to handle this now. I’m in postpartum phase and this torture is pushing me into depression though I have my parents by my side.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mahi_goyal
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Tried sorting it out… he behaves in a good way when he’s with me and again when he comes under influence of his parents his behaviour changes and goes back to be to be the same person torturing me again

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Yes I am trying to push myself and try to ignore everything and be happy for my baby. She should not be affected by all this is my only concern now


This is so true! They have no humanity and I am suffering because of this

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Just get seperated coz there is no sense being with him coz it has effected you and now your daughter as to bear it to and since you have been tortured for this many years it’s better to leave and restart your life on good positive note.

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Things are not easy we have to make them easy.

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Yep, are you the one who posted it.

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True… this is not as easy. Though I’m self independent and can very well take care of myself and my baby too


When we do things then it will become easy and that’s too that you are financially dependent


Talk to your people who really understand you
Who will guide you the right way
Like your parents
As you said
They support you


Yes I have shared everything with my close friends who are mutual friends with my husband too. They also tried to talk to him but he seems to be very adamant on his own thoughts


Keep your husband in your favour. Have seen similar situation happening someone so close to me!!


My intention is to do just this. Keep husband in my favour. But I don’t know how to do that. As you closely seen such situation. Please advise.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @mahi_goyal

Mahi G. @mahi_goyal

Hi, I’m very sorry to hear this. Considering the nature of your struggles, I would suggest you talk to a professional about this and discuss at length. You might be able to come up with a more ideal solution for yourself through the process


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