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Jack @jackschaner

Hi. Im going to talk about my life now.

So im only in middle school but I feel like Ive been through a lot mentally and socially.

Lets start here: I feel like I allow myself to grow close to a person only for them to end up leaving my life forever. This has happened to me many times over the years.
In fourth grade, one of my two friends moved away and the other moved schools.
In fifth grade, my best friend moved.
In sixth grade, another best friend move.
And now, in seventh grade, the people that i have the tightest bond with might leave me forever. They are more important to me than my family is and I dont know what to do. I know that one is moving to France soon, and its tearing me up because shes taught me so much in the past Nine months and completley changed my view on everything. Now, my closest friend ive ever had might leave my life. I feel like I want to kill myself I cant keep doing this to myself. I cant let myself form bonds with people because they will no doubt leave. The way I look at it is if you never get your hopes up, youll never get dissapointed.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14

Dhadkan @angel14


Omg !! I can so relate to u ❀️. This what I exactly feel πŸ˜”.
But …yeah I ll suggest that get a proper phycastrist for d same…or talk to someone …a friend or family.
I can be ur friend tooo …if u wanna converse with some one who can connect
Feel free discuss ur probs to me

Jack @jackschaner


I would like that. Do you have instagram?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14

Dhadkan @angel14


Yup I have recently created one yesterday

Jack @jackschaner


oh nice. is it cool with you if I ask for it? i know im a random person on the internet and I would get if you dont want to haha but if your ok with it then could you please reply with it? I appreciate it thanks for being so nice and supportive.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14

Dhadkan @angel14


Hey … don’t think of me as a stranger ❀️ …I’m ur friend…feel free to talk about anything πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‡πŸ‘

Jack @jackschaner


Hi, if it’s ok can I have your Instagram? I can’t go on it right now but we can talk later. Thanks for being awesome

Profile picture for Now&Me member @angel14

Dhadkan @angel14


It’s a new one…created a few days ago… sharmaheartbeat

Jack @jackschaner


Thanks so much! I just realized I could go on the website πŸ˜‚

Jack @jackschaner


I requested you. I’m the jack.


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