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I’m from germany, so please don’t judge my english.
I found this page after having a bit of a hard time. I have been single for almost 3 years now, which isn’t the worst thing. I love being single, but i miss the feeling having somebody by your side. Having someone you can trust. I just miss it…
But that’s a sideeffect of why I feel lonely.

My friends all leave me. Most of the time I think it’s because of me, because I often say things that don’t come out right.
One of my friends is a new mom, so she has obviously not the time like she had before. An other one just slept with my crush. Then there is my old roommate who moved to another city and our friendship is falling apart and we just get angry at each other all the time. But the worst is that my best friend just came to my city again because of work for some months, but he has no time for me. He always has to learn or likes to play poker. I understand that, but I’m so lonely that I get angry when he says he needs to learn and has no time.

I don’t know if i’m just being insecure. I don’t know if i’m too much. I don’t know if I’m allowed to be sadmad. I overtrink all the time and I know it has destroyed some things already.

I’m just so sad and lonely all the time and so disappointed…
and I hate it!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hina
3 replies

Hey i get where you getting at and you don’t need to invalidate your feelings or even your thoughts we are all humans and things just get hard to go with at certain points especially when you’re all by yourself it doesn’t makes you “too much” firstly i think you should try to talk these things out with your friends explicitly about how badly is this affecting you and it doesn’t needs to be giving you 24 hour attention just a bit of talking every now and then however they find it convenient as far as for you don’t try to hard to manage how you feel somedays you just have to let shit flow and flow with yes even the sad ones feel your shit but don’t loose it and ik it easier said than done but i have this ideology in life which i swear by and has helped me so much in life in general " be okay with the things that happened and the things that didn’t " feel free to write back if you want to talk more about it.😄


Okay basically you need people around you to talk so that you don’t feel lonely which makes you feel more frustrated soo talk to people here on this community not only about your feelings but also about random things so that your focus is shifted & have some positive energy around you

Profile picture for Now&Me member @hina

Everyone goes through this phase…and i can understand exactly how it feels but don’t panic buddy…try to share things with your siblings or if you don’t find it effective then watch animes…it will definitely encourage you tackle the situation you are in.🙂😊Just don’t think of relying on some other person…because it doesn’t work dude…sometimes even though u possess all these things, if feel lonely…so feeling will come whether u r still in relationship or not…so try to overcome this situation yourself…✌


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