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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06

Hi I’m an artist I draw I dance I sing I write I act and I read novels but lately everything is off nothing gives me joy anymore . I’ve read a lot of books it seems like all the knowledge I’ve acquired is just a burden . I don’t feel like doing anything anymore. I’m a highly spritual person n it’s been somedays I’m not even praying . Ig I’m suffering w depression rn . I used to workout a lot but everyday is a cheat day. I don’t feel like talking or getting out of my room . I’m physically fine but my body aches all the time. I’ve had very bad experiences in the past but there is nothing I hold on too. I don’t even have a reason to be like this yet here I am. Life doesn’t seem worthy enough to live. I thought I should take some meds I took some herbal meds that help w depression nothing is working. Every breath feels heavy my mind is stoned . What am I supposed to do???

Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @queenn

As you mentioned , that suddenly you didn’t find anything interesting in your life,As much I can understand See as you mentioned you had past experiences, even thougho you didn’t hold on any of them but still it has a Deep impact over you and the reason is really simple…you think you cope up completely with the situation as you didn’t had a thought of it…but actually the wounds of past didn’t get heal till now and the reason I’m saying this is because we don’t actually know when we completely healed , we think healing is something that we get engaged and we didn’t get a thought of it thats healing…but its not healing not only healed you from that experience but also make you better ,make you fall in love with yourself…i don’t know your situation so I won’t say anything but let me tell you even if you have a depression as you mentioned it can’t be cure only with medication but with communication with the people you feel heard… don’t let things inside yourself… avoiding your emotions is never a way of healing them…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06

Thankyou will try♥️

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @dontlosehope06

Thankyou ♥️

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