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hi idk how to start this
im under 18 and my parents are getting to a
divorce but im over it but its just the things that happen after icant leave one of my parents and live with the other …
and we had to go back to our country (a 3rd wrld country) and its really hard to live here and my dad couldn’t go back to where we lived and he got stuck here with no job or money
and he lives far away cuz curruntly im at my maternal aunt’s house in a other city that my mom and dad lives in …
now my dad is around 60y.o rn and like a month frome now he got a heart attack and his nighboors rushed him to hospital
and just prolems are coming one after another even i had to move and lost contact with my (new ) friends and came to study here i love where i live now its nice but i will go back to my city in a year after i finish this school year and even when i go back i will heve to live at my mum’s house and it will be hard to see my dad cuz he lives in a nerby city its around an hour if i ride a bus and my dad or mom want me to be able to me see them both but its just hard and i cant take it anymore i cant overcome it i just want to help my dad any way i can but i feel helpless idk what to do im really sad most of the time and i dont have someone to talk to
sorry if its hard to understand what i said but my english is not so good

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