Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Kirti Bhatia @stranger22

hi, i want to share my feelings right now, i feel broken, my boyfriend cheated on me. need someone to talk

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17 replies

Hey buddy calm down
Feel free to shareβ€¦πŸ€—

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22


it hurts so bad😭


Yeah I can understand bro
Distract yourself from the thoughts of him

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22


i just cant😭


When all this happened…?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sr12

Santosh @sr12


Bhen , i can understand your feelings. It is natural for you to feel in that way. Did it trigger you in a bad way and what do you think of your bond.
Two ways.
Thinking with emotions
Thinking with mind
Thinking regulating both depending upon the outcome.
Also, using the above when you know or don’t know the outcome

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22


whatever the outcome is, i did everything for him and he did this in return 😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sr12

Santosh @sr12


That’s not right from him.
And be proud of you first of all.
You were really good.
Keeping aside the results, you were great in the process and he doing that is not in control of you.
What’s in control of you is YOU.

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22



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Santosh @sr12


Don’t try to run away from those thoughts too. When you do that, those things come along with you at a faster rate…
Concentrate of the moment like playing video games (in my case), and feel yourselves more and live the moment. Breathe and feel that.
Those thoughts will diminish.
Try something like looking at the sky and think of those massive celestial bodies out there. In addition to these 7.8 billion people, some 100 billion ants, some other 200 billion live species, β€œyou” are there taking this precious breath. And that breath is you. Hold it, feel the intensity and life in it. The loneliness will be taken out if you like the way carbon dioxide is expelled out.

It’s Natural and OK to feel this way… Infact, you’re brave and strong.

Be YOU. and you have got a fabulous human brain that can handle this situation… Lots of positivity to you.

Importantly, be consistent and stick with this no matter what.
Things try to move and disturb you…
Stand strong bhen…
This will get better for sure. i understand.

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Arya @found_me


Does it ever really diminishes??

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22


around 11 pm today


Ohh I can totally understand your situation bro
Bt listen to me it’s his personality to cheat to lie to fake himself bt you loved him truly does many things many sacrifices for him
Remember and mark my words karma is real bro it will punch his on face hard

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Ayan Singh @lucifer_10


It’s sad to know but if he has done so, he isn’t worth mourning about. It’s just yeah it hurts when someone close to you does something you never expected but it’s indicative of he wasn’t the one deserving to be with you.
Hope that helps!!

Kirti Bhatia @stranger22


thankyou it helped

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Ayan Singh @lucifer_10


Happy to help. Don’t worry about downs of life, the fact is that time heals everything and it’s definite. You gotta be wise in where it’s worth investing emotions :)

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Arya @found_me


Hey Kirti, don’t know exactly how u feel and no-one can really understand that, just don’t feel like u are aloneβ™₯️


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