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hi, i truly believe my dad is mentally insane or bipolar and needs to go and see a mental hospital. today it was sports day at school meaning we needed to take our own packed lunch and my dad agreed to buying a sandwich for me at a shop near the school i go to. (my dad drives me to school as i don’t know how to go there by myself yet - i live quite far from my school)

so he stopped and parked the car near the store and turned around to see me in the back seat. AND HE KEPT REPEATING ONE SENTENCE OVER AND OVER. MORE THAN 20 TIMes he was saying, “tell the teacher that you don’t want to be in this house anymore, and they will take you.” like he repeated it so many times. he was saying it in like a barking voice after a few times it made me laugh a bit so he started getting even madder idk how to explain

and he was trying to imply that if i hate him and my mom and my sister so much, then i should tell a teacher about them and they would take me to CPS or something or whatever people call it

so then he finally got out of the car and got me a sandwich, then dropped me off at school.

when i got home, my mom and sister were at home (not my dad because he was at work) and like my mom was angry for no reason i dont know why, and she started blaming her nerve pain and fibromalgia and 7 slipped discs in her body on me.

time skip to when my dad got home i remembered what happened in the car and how my dad was repeating the sentence so i decided to bring it up since i thought my dad would be normal about it idk why i thought that

i was like "oh you know baba was like ‘tell the teacher that you hate family and they will take you’ "

AND THEN SUDDENLY MY DAD FLIPPED OUT OR WHATEVER U CALL IT AND STARTED DRAGGING ME and he also started punching my arm which i got my covid vaccine in two days ago and it hurt really badly. so i was like “pls stop punching my right arm oh my god”

and he started saying “IM GOING TO KICK YOU OUT IM GOING TO KICK YOU OUT” thats why i think he has autism no hate to people with autism but i have heard they repeat things a lot.

and then he opened the door to the back garden i swear all our neighbours could hear it. then my mom ran to shut the door because well how embarrassing a grown 50 year old man screaming for some reason. (it also sounded like the barking i explained before.)

what happened after my mom closed the door was my head was being dragged by my dad, which hit my moms teeth or mouth or something? AND SHE SUNK TO THE GROUND ACTING LIKE THE PERSON WHO WAS REALLY HURT AND SHE STARTED PLAYING VICTIM

im too lazy to explain the rest but that happened and after that i ran upstairs and since ive got a broken nose and im insecure about it they threaten to punch my nose so it can be more wonky. that annoys me a lot.

so i think my parents are severely bipolar or something i dont know especially my dad because wtf? can someone help me self diagnose my dad with something
im not a licensed therapist

6 replies

i meant in the second last paragraph that i can hear them threatening me rn LOL sorry i tried typing it really fast


Oh my god, please get out of there as soon as you can

This thought has been deleted by the thought author

Yo, it’s been a couple of days; you doing alright? I’m kinda scared for you and an update would be nice! <3


hii omg yeah its fine now

yeva @yeva

If your father is saying to do so. You must do that because if they don’t care for you then you have no worries. You can go anywhere you wish and be free.


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