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caleb @caleb

Hi, I need some advice I went through a breakup about a month ago and now realize that giving her up was the biggest mistake of my life and has lead to some pretty sad days.

If you have any advice on how to deal better please tell me. Thanks

17 replies

Tell her that.

caleb @caleb

I wish I could but she’s moved on


Oh dear,then come out of those feelings

caleb @caleb

That’s what I’m hoping to be able to do


You can,distract with some hobby or something

caleb @caleb

That’s a good idea, thank you

Chris @boredaf123

Why did you breakup anyway ?

caleb @caleb

Different ideas for the relationship and future


Who initiated the breakup, you or her?

caleb @caleb

I did because I thought it would be better for her over different further ideas

katie @okatiet

May I ask why you broke up with this person?

caleb @caleb

I broke up with her because we had some different ideas for the relationship and I thought it best for her happiness

katie @okatiet

Are you reaching out for advice on how to forget about this mistake and move on? Or do you want to get back with her?

caleb @caleb

I wish I could get back with her but I’m her for advice on how to move on and forget

katie @okatiet

Aw I see, Caleb. You are at a point where you regret a decision you made but try to remember that everyone makes mistakes and it’s not the worst decision ever. Since you left for the sake of her happiness, maybe it’s time to focus on your own happiness now. Try some new things and focus on yourself. what you’re feeling now will go away soon, I’m sure.

caleb @caleb

Thank you, I’ll try to start thinking of my happiness


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