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i m feeling very confused. i met this guy online. we discussed our pasts. then we started a very weird kind of relationship. we both don’t want to get married. it was neither friendship, not lover kind of relationship. nothing serious as well. we just talked daily. on our daily lives. thats it. and he said always that old woman you will never get rid of me (i m 5 year older). but from two days he is behaving different. and today he told me that he is in love. and when i said ok, he said to me u should be annoyed. i said why its good u will be happy. he started laughing. he eluded the subject said he has work and left the chat. now from two days when he was not behaving normal , i am feeling unsettled. when we discussed earlier we both said that if someone comes in a relationship, loyalty is most important. and i guess his behavior suggests that only. but why i m feeling restless. is it because i am feeling that i cannot be loved? in past too, i was never loved. so is this restlessness about , someone can find love but why not me? why nobody loves me? m i not good enough? my family, friends, colleagues and people adore me. but why cant someone love me a man loves a woman? why? he is someone i like its true. but i dont love him. that is for sure. but why no one loves me?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
9 replies

Hey don’t worry you’ll get your turn, there be someone for you who loves you but have patience, at the end evening gonna be okay. :)


I hope so. I really do.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Love really u think we can easily find out love I doubt it mostly we find attractiveness or we just fond of someone that is all love is more deeper than any ocean and you will get love if you know about love and most of times we never know what is love in reality and maybe one day you will understand love and that you understand that love is more scared than anything and yup you need to open your own self and say things which you like and life is small dear very small so open up


It’s not I never felt love. But no one has ever loved me. It’s like I always just give amd give and give and never receive

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Honestly I face similar situations look there is two way either we think that we never get love or either we feel grateful that we never stuck with wrong person so at least you know what actually u wanted when it comes on relationships


I think that’s true. Thanks for reminding what I actually knew. I was not able to think straight as u get used to people. And then they go poof. Without even acknowledging ur existence. Life has very funny ways to teach you


Just tell me how to get rid of these unwanted thoughts I m getting

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Look sometimes we need to stop finding love just stay somewhere and improve our own self work on your own self and keep waiting for right person look when we look towards choosing most times we know they are not right one and we still choose them because there is no one there or either we choose less wrong person to us just because our friends get marry or being in relationship so sometimes we afraid that we end up lonely but look being alone is better than stuck with a wrong person and patience is priceless and patience to get a right person is first step towards love and it is like that you have plenty of wrong option but never choose them because you know they are wrong and you are waiting for right person that make you smile so my dear enjoy you are on right place and right track

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Unwanted thoughts look there is plenty of ways to remove these thoughts and all ways are painful for you because this time you are facing hard times


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