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i lost myself around 8 months ago, i still feel she is the one. idk what’s wrong between us . she is still in touch with me. as of now we are in a track to build carrers but i just feel i still love her . idk how to take care of the situation and by any chance idnt want to regret by leaving her by not even trying.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tinachawla
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @tinachawla

Tina Chawla @tinachawla


My bestfriend once said to me, that the biggest crime one can commit is not trust their gut. If you feel she’s the one, then tell her! Talk to her about it. If you can work something out, then nothing like it. If you can’t, just know that it is okay. It won’t be the end of the world. Hope this helps.



thanks for the help!!


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