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I just want to start by saying thank you to whoever is kind enough to listen. Lately I’ve been feeling like I just can’t do it anymore, like every single thing that I’m doing is not enough and I will never be enough for the people around me. And it’s not even in my head, I mean everyone around me seems to think so low of me and they keep pressuring me to find a boyfriend, even my mom and dad keep saying that it’s about time. It’s not that I don’t want one, I really do, and I’ve been thinking about it for a really long time, but I just can’t seem to have any success in that matter. Anyways, that’s the smallest problem. What I am more concerned about is the fact that I spend al day in bed sleeping or staying on my phone, but I’m always tired, I either eat too much or nothing at all, one day I fell like I want to do something than something inside of me tells me that there’s no point and I don’t do it. Thanks for listening

2 replies

Most wlcm 🤗
Btw I have read this…😅


I think that you shouldn’t care if people think low of you cause it’s useless to explain your self every time and if you are not finding a boyfriend for you it’s okay . Think that you are the best and someone Is there for you but things takes time . Parents are all the same just yelling at you for studying graduating career choices job married you also know that no matter what you do they are not going to be satisfied so ignore them it won’t be easy at first you know relatives and all shit but if you really don’t care what they say it will become a habit don’t stress over things life isn’t all about marriage enjoy it or else it will be wasted I praying that you will find your partner really soon but ignore for the time being


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