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Hi. I just thought that this day would be okay but it turned out that it’s not. I’ve live my life without feeling that I have someone with. I am used to do things by myself. I am not that close to my family, because I chose to study away from them, I would just talk to them if needed or if they like me to do something. Last year, my father died and it was my complete downfall, I am full of regrets but no tears were coming from me. For that reason, the communication between me and my family became almost nothing. I focused myself on studying, I took the course that my father dreamt of, but from all of those I still can’t forget my father. Now, my mother called me. She is crying. She told me that, it seems like I don’t even remember that I have a mother, and it is so hard. I really dont know what to do. It is so hard. I’m so tired…

3 replies

Sweetplum @sweetplum

I can understand what you are going through and I am sorry for your loss. Try to start things afresh and create a bond with your mother. She is probably lonely now and needs you even more. Be there for her.


I do want to be with her but I don’t know how. I don’t know what comfort is because I never had the motherly love, we don’t bond, and we don’t live together. I don’t know how to approach her:((
Anyways, thank you:))


As you said that you don’t know what comfort is and you don’t know how to be there for your mother, I think the best way to go about it is to learn to do so. Like everything we do in our lives, we start somewhere and we learn. So maybe you do the same with this as well. Try to learn how to be there for her. Start by asking her what she wants and then when you know that, research on it. Research online, talk to your friends and try to find ways to do so! Good luck :)


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