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Hi, i hope you all are safe and happy
If i talk about myself i don’t to how to describe my feelings and how i am feeling right now.

The reason being my career, i am 21 years old and just completed my graduation i did my bachelor in Journalism and mass communication as the pass one and half years went with online classes i wanted to take another gap year to attend physical classes when the sistution gets normal, i told my dad everything i also showed him a plan on how am i gonna utilize this gap year, but he doesn’t want to understand, according to him it will effect my opportunities while applying for jobs, and i don’t to know what to do i really wanted a break to sort things out for myself, to become mentally stable but i don’t know how to convince my dad there is a constant pressure on me and now its getting hard for me to cope up with it, please tell what can i do, is it really gonna effect my career if i take a gap year.

1 reply

Hey, first of all cheers and congratulations on your graduation!
Taking a break is completely normal, we all need it, now more than ever. So, it’s really not bad to take a break. You’ll have a lot of time to spend with yourself, and that’s a great opportunity (getting to know yourself, or finding a new hobby, taking a little time off and looking at things in a different perspective) right there. Building a career for yourself is an extremely important part of your life, ofcourse. You say you have a proper plan about your career and future. That’s amazing.
Parents tend to obligate on us because they obviously care for us. So don’t worry, talk to your father, in general. Talk to him about the things he like, and build a new friendship with him. Understand the root of reason as to why he is against your plan. Be patient, and then try explaining him in a different perspective.
Hope this helps.
More power to you, and I wish you for an amazing career!
Take care❀️


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