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Long Distance RelationshipThought



i have been dealing with a lot of issues. but the one I want to talk about right now is this.

i have been told that when I find new friends, I tend to forget about the old ones. and today, this same line was told to me by my boyfriend whom i love so much and means everything to me. in the past week, i couldn’t make time for him and i am sorry for it. he thinks that his importance for me is no more. but its not true. he means a lot to me. and i just want him to know that. when i told him this, he told me that now he tired of hearing these promises everytime. he has been like the perfect boyfriend for me throughout. how can i be the same to him? how can i make him understand that people may come and go in my life but he is my constant. i feel uneasy and dizzy everytime he says how hurt he is. he affects me in ways even i don’t understand. in fact, he is the one who made me fall in love with myself. I’ll never be able to thank him enough for that. i just want him to know, that ill be always there for him no matter what. i wish i could just hug him if it weren’t for the long distance.

i really don’t want people to think that ill forget them once i find new ones.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @veed
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @veed

This sounds like something he has to learn himself. I had a similar thing where my girlfriend didn’t have as much time to spend with me and it affected me. But I learned to live with it and accept that she has priorities and life stuff that she needs to take care of.

The best you can do is let him know that sometimes things may get in the way and that you are sorry, but that you don’t like being guilt-tripped and told that you don’t care when you obviously do. You can’t bend to everything that he wants but you can try to meet each other halfway


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