Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hi, I felt really unstable. The one moment Im a happy and bubbly person and half am hour later I’d be crying in my room over literally nothing. I dont know why Im sad all the time, I didnt experience anything traumatic and I live a priviliged life. I have friends, family and a boyfriend, but I feel like I cant talk to them about my feelings. Everytime I talk to someone about it I feel like Im annoying and being pity, I dont want to bother anyone. So if I do end uo talking to them, I end up feeling worse about myseld. I wish I’d just stop worrying so much about what other people think of me, but everytime I try to do that I end up supressing these feeling, that end up bursting out one night, resolving into a mental breakdown that lasts way too long. Anyways, the other night I felt really alone and couldnt stop crying. I had a test the next day and couldnt fall asleep which made me even more stressed which caused me not being able to sleep. I just feel lost and dont know what to do with my thoughts and feelings. Yeah thats ab it, this is my first time btw, is a bit weird talking like this.

2 replies

You know I’ll just say one thing to you: It’s okay to feel this way even if others say that you have all the privileges and what do you have to be sad about. Don’t let anyone else invalidate your feelings please. It is very important to talk about what you’re feeling and not to keep them bottled up. Please feel free to express them here. We’re all here to listen to you, I promise.


I can truly relate to what you are feeling right now. It feels like something missing, something absent and maybe you dont know what it is. But the truth is deep down we know it and we are just not ready to accept it. Just as depression is a disease that slowly enguls us, happiness is a bliss that needs to be practiced. No ones life can every be perfect but of course it can be changed. It can be shaped as to how we want it but for that one needs courage. Maybe you need to make some decisions regarding your life but you are afraid to do so just because your whole life has become dependent on a particular system and your inability to get out of that is getting you to where you are right now. I would only wish that you do what you feel is best for yourself and listen to your soul. your soul will never guide you in the wrong direction because its your true self where your heart and emotions lie. I hope a bright future for you and if there is anything else you want to talk about we are all here to listenβ€¦πŸ˜πŸ˜


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