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I am currently in a courtship phase of arranged marriage. Guy is wonderful so far.
His parents aren’t demanding dowry but they are expecting a house and a car.
My family is comparatively well to do to his family. 3 step down.
I am type1 diabetic.
Both of us are doctors.
My parents are okay with the dowry part
I am confused about all of this. I like the guy do I discuss this with him ??
My parents feel the guy and the family is good they are accepting you for eveything.
And you either will have to struggle with this now or live with our support.

I dunno what to do ??
I am also afraid will he reject the proposal when we reveal the type 1 diabetic part

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide
5 replies

Don’t hide anything, I have seen div cases because of hiding some health issues

Profile picture for Now&Me member @thegentleguide

Raza Khan @thegentleguide

You should be honest regardless of the dowry, the boy or the money involved. Be honest and open, maybe he might not be happy with that, maybe he would support you. But if you’re lying to someone just to get married, you’re basically deceiving them.


Also, say no to dowry while you’re being honest sis. If you’re earning as well, I don’t see how dowry is asked? Wth it’s an old tradition

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So true! How can someone support this idea. Even if you, your parents, your entire family is capable of giving things that doesn’t mean you/they should support the idea of giving a house and a car. Wolf is a wolf whether disguised as a Purebred Siberian Husky. Similarly, dowry is dowry whether you try to give it as a gift or a blessing. Also, there are certain things which should be clear both to you and the boy. Illnesses running down in the family (whether yours or his) is one such thing and should be clear to both of you. 🙂


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