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Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

I am a 23yo F. I had my first boyfriend when I was 15 (he was 14)
We met at our coaching. He really liked me. I did like him too. I had v strict parents so I didn’t really talk to him. He broke up with me (understandably so) after me not being able to talk to him for months and not telling him why.

We then moved to different cities for college and reconnected via fb after 2 yrs. We talked all the time and he said he loved me. I was ecstatic. he asked me out on my bday. But I was unsure because I knew how much he hated LDR. He talked to me the entire night about what I meant to him and I just gave in.the next six months were magical

18 replies

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

I am someone who isn’t v good at sharing things. I loved him with all my heart. I just never told him how I felt. He was scared of falling for me again the way he did when we were kids because it hurt so much. So he used to pull back and he said he wanted to break up. I was devastated. But all I could say was alright if that’s what you want

I was making my peace with it when he just randomly came outside my house during vacations Because he said he missed me. He took a train from him hometown to mine. God knows what he said to his fam.he was just there. I was so happy. I thought he wanted to make things right again. But no.

So we hung out for 3-4 days went to movies. And that’s it.


Feeling jealous with 69 others 🙂💔

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

Lmao no.
Sweet of you to say but no read the whole thing pls

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

He was seeing someone else in his college now. I was like damn that’s fast. NVM I made it my mission to move on. And I did. Fast forward. I dated a guy for three years. He was amazing but we couldn’t connect. And I guess we were able to date that long was because of the fact that due to covid we were at home and I didn’t have to see him much.

All the time I couldn’t stop thinking about my ex. He made it a point to always wish me on my birthday. And it would get me feeling all weird for days. So for my birthday in 2021 I decided to block him on WhatsApp. I was sad to do so but I thought it was better for us both.
So he then texts me on FB asking if I changed my number and wishing me a happy birthday.
We talked there.we are both out of college and had jobs.
It was fun to catch up.
And during our conversations I told him I have a boyfriend and he’s like yeah I know it’s that guy. And I was shocked. He told me he used to look out for me. And see what I was up to.
He told me he had broken up with his girlfriend. We were just friends. We used to talk a lot.
In December he came to my hometown again and we met for a movie. He just hugged me as he saw me. And didn’t just let go of my hand the entire time. And when we were back home he texts me saying
Idk but with you everything feels so right. And I’m like yes yes yes. Same.

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

So yeah we got to talking about us and why did it not work. And he was like you are right I run away whenever I feel something. And it’s to protect myself maybe. (I’m like duh I told you so) He told me that he was not ready to be in an LDR with me at 18 yo because he thought I was not really into him??? I’m like wtf. I was so into you I literally didn’t notice anyone else. And like you didn’t think once about telling me this??? I’m like uh huh. I never used to call him much or send a lot of texts because I am a very chill person like that. But he took it as indifference. I thought I shouldn’t disturb him all the time? And he’s like I love it when you “disturb” me. I literally used to talk about you to my friends back in college. So yeah I was making up my mind and dreading the question “will you be my girlfriend”
I’m like no. I can’t do this again. Not for the third time it’ll be so
And then this guy says " so I can’t really date you."

I’m like tf💀💀 how did I get rejected without asking the question. I started laughing. I’m like you’ll make me go mad. And he says listen noh. I can’t date you because I just feel that I have this one last chance with you. Even god won’t be able to help me if I fuck this up this I have decided we’ll be friends and will get married. I just want to be in your life and not lose you again.
I’m like tf.
He’s like pls don’t get married.i have nightmares about it.
I’m like shut up. I’m not your Fixed deposit.
And we had a good laugh about it.

So for now we’re friends. We facetime most of the time. He legit wants me to FT him all the time. And we’re both working so I tend to sleep early. And he records me snoring every night😭😭

We workout on video calls lmao. (I’m v lazy and he’s into fitness🤢)

He cooks infront of me. We watch movies. We study on ft. It’s nice
His friends think we’re dating. So it’s funny to hear their conversations.and he gets mushy on me when drunk so to avoid those conversations I just sleep when extra early on weekends.

I’ll be meeting him for his birthday this year. Yay. (Also in the 8 years we have known each other we’ve met for like 72 hours in total???crazy right? Yes I’ve excluded the coaching part because there we never used to talk because I was such a fattu)
So yeah we’ll be meeting for around a week for his birthday. I’m excited. And scared.

Let’s see😌👻🧿🧿🧿


That’s cute! I really wish that you two shall think about your future together you guys have a great chemistry


What is the conclusion? Are you two together?

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

Lmao give me a second to type it out pls.
Sorry for the suspense tho.

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

Hehehehe. That’s true. :3


Nice story


Wow that’s so cute, am very happy and also jealous 😝, but seriously that’s so cute, you are not dating but friends who wanna have a future together. You guys have great understanding and I hope you both be together like this in future too. Now a days people date and see if they are compatible but you know this feels very good than that. All the best.

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

Hehehe… That’s really sweet of you to say.


Aww you guys so cute together. Hope you stay together like this always💖🍫
And what’s the conclusion now?

Alcatraz @coffeecaramel

Hehe thank you

So yeah we’re friends.


Glad to know that🧡


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