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Hi! I am 16 and i feel like a loser right now .i have a low self esteem , can’t focus on work(study). I am trying real hard to change myself but don’t feel like connecting with people always tensed about things.i am filled with so much negativity and can’t be myself when surrounded with strangers.Need some help plzz

6 replies

If it helps you, I want to tell u my situation. I’m 22 years old with a very very low self esteem and going through a break up which happened very recently. It will be very difficult to cope up with the people who have low self esteem. My job is in very danger due to this COVID-19. And having some real family problems.
Now what I want to convey here is ,its very good that u can think about self esteem at 16 itself, most people would never think about such good things by that age. Try not to force all the things at once, sit with yourself and think about them. You will definitely find solution.
When it comes to studies, please don’t think that being good student is everything. I graduated from one of the India’s top most universities but still I’m fighting here to improve my self esteem. Just work hard, and smart at the same time. Try to sit in a calm place and concentrate well. Get help from your teachers or any other source. If u really want someone and give everything then the universe will conspire to give that thing to u. Please remove that thought of studying is hard from your mind. Try hard u will definitely succeed.
When it comes to changing yourself, I don’t think that u need to change your entire self for anything. Just accept the way u are. U should love yourself first. That’s the most important thing to develop self esteem. Just know that nobody is perfect. Everyone have their own flaws , u may have few too. I’m really glad that u want to become a better person, so u only need to change few things that u lack. Dont try to change your entire personality.

Yeah u may lack communication skills, but that’s okay, work on them, push your limits, talk to strangers, put yourself in an uncomfortable situation. After all we are all humans right, why should we fear so much to talk to someone, nothing will happen my friend. Just put put your words,nobody will judge u. If they do judge then the problem is with them and not with u.
When it comes to self esteem, try to develop any talent that u have like painting, or playing some music, anything. Do some work which makes you proud. Self esteem comes when we get a feeling that we have achieved something.
It’s ok to be a introvert,its not our mistake. But it will become our mistake if we sit idle and don’t do anything about it. So try to come out of your comfort zone.
I would really really happy to help u in any way possible ,and I want to push your limits


Hey ! thank you so much for replying ,it means a lot .I joined this community last night and I really needed someone to talk to .I would definitely try to push my limits and thank you for this guidance and support.🥰


Hi! I’m also 16:) I feel what you are feeling, and it sucks, but let’s not dwell on that feeling. I am cheering you up because I know how hard it is to be in that situation. Always remember that no matter what it is, choose to fight. Its alright to have low self esteem but you should know your worth:) You are more than what you think of, start with yourself:) Think what might be the problem that you arw having that low self esteem:) From that, you’ll appreciate more of yourself:) I did this and it might work with you:) Cheer up! ~Sending virtual hugs❤~


Hey thank you so much !!


Hey I’m 16 as well. I can’t focus on studies either because the thought of school is just too hard, but just know that I’m here for you and I will listen any time :)


Thank you so much😊


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