Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Hi, how was your day today? Really how was it? It should have been good, because you are able to read this and think carefully about it. However people tend to forget how grateful we should be for things like this, that we wake up every morning, we can see, hear, feel. How beautiful it is to know that you have all of these. So why do we try to make ourselves sad with wondering what did go bad today? Yes there are going to be bad days, but flowers need rain so they can blossom. We are like the flowers we need rain, we know that after that bad day something good would happen. But even in a bad day something good must have happened like you maybe ate your fav dish or you saw a really nice flower that made you happy. Let’s try and enjoy finally the little things in life.

2 replies

That’s so true… thanks for motivation 😃




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