Hi, how can I ask for her mobile number in a non-creepy way? I’m so afraid and overthinking.
PS. We have been talking for more than a month on the gram now and we are also meeting tomorrow :)
anonymous @literally_me
Just ask directly … that can I get your number if you don’t have any problem… Coz it’s been long and sometimes we can talk over call too!!
Will it be okay to ask like this?I’m very nervous what if she says that we can talk on dis.cord or insta.gram calls? 😥
anonymous @literally_me
No lol… They are not convenient she will understand… ask her normally
Sure thanks hehe
shruz @shruisdumb
ask her for her number in case you gotta find each other tomorrow/get lost
Sorry I didnt get you, can you re-phrase your sentence
shruz @shruisdumb
you said you guys are gonna meet tomorrow, so ask her “ can i get your number in case we won’t be able to recognise / find each other”
hahaha, got it got it! Thanks :D
kaur @seerat07
Tell her , something is wrong with your phone … she asks how …say it doesn’t have ur number 😛
hahahahahha, i think i should try this lol :P
Keep it Simple in a polite way. No one denies politeness
Can you tell using an example? it will be very helpful :)
I usually ask for her number within a week. “Hi. If you don’t mind, can I have your number”. As she already knows you and has a opinion on you by then, either she will give or politely deny.
hmm make a lot of sense :D thanks dude
All the very best mate.
thank you so much dude!!! <3