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Hi guys so i have an english listening test tuesday but i’m not very great at listening tests could u give tips how i could make a listening test better how to improve myself??

Profile picture for Now&Me member @riyabhargav
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @riyabhargav

bhargav riya @riyabhargav

Um… I think you should watch some videos (which should be in english obviously) with subtitles


and then test urself without subtitles

Naina Talwar @no_one8

Listen to some English story from YouTube or somewhere else that’s comfortable for you. While listening, leave everything and focus on what is being said,and keep in mind the keywords or the keypoints,try to keep most of them in mind and most importantly, try to understand the story within than time and in such a way,so that you can arrange the story sequentially in points. Repeat it for few times till you feel confident. And on the main day,be confident. All the best😇

Pika' @rubyrose

Do you like any English series? Then watch it in English, at first you won’t understand anything but with time you will. Use English subtitles at first then turn them of when you feel confident enough


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