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Hi guys, I would like to ask your opinion. Me and my bf been together for 4 years now. Last night idk why I suddenly asked about our future out of nowhere. I’m 27 this year and he’s 37 so I thought why not asking? He finally admitted he doesn’t want to get married and don’t want to have kids. I was so speechless and hurt tho. I always imagine to have kids someday. I feel so wasted but I really love him so much. Idk what to do now. I’m not sure if I can deal a break-up. But I’m not sure if I can stay too. Now I got a massive headache from crying too much last night to sleep after we ended the call. I really don’t know what to do.

3 replies

Do the break up u deserve someone who wants a happy family with u not the one who even didn’t tell u about his future plans


Not having kids is his personal choice. Ask him things that if it marriage, he wants a live in or not or would he be wanting to adopt a kid. There are many people who do not want kids altogether but that doesn’t make them a bad person. It’s just a life choice. If you really really want to have kids, I would suggest you do break up and maybe find someone with similar interests as you. Meanwhile, have a hard talk with him. Say that you wanna talk about your future with him and learn about his couple goals. Both of you sate things you want and see the areas both of can compromise on. If even after that you feel that you cannot work with the things he is giving you, break up. There is no point in dating when your goal is marriage.


If it was me I’d break up, put yourself first love. You deserve what you want


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