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Emotional AbuseThought


Hi friends!
I would like to share what thoughts are running ryt now at @1:30am .
During my initial days of job training I met a guy in my team. Felt so connected, I travelled 3 months with him. Later I couldn’t clear training n I need to leave the job. I saw tears in his eyes that day when I was leaving. I have never seen a guy crying so after my father and brother for me!

Later I found some job in other state but couldn’t come out of his thoughts. He is so connected to me but he kind of behaves uninterested,disconnected, egoistic n arrogant sometyms. He takes long time to respond to my text msgs. Hence 3 months ago I messaged him saying that “I am done with understanding you…I am done with everything”. He didn’t respond to that msg.

Recently a month ago…he again messaged me saying…he is sorry. He overreacted etc… and I started to speak normally. He kind of talked to me intimately asking me to share pics of mine. For which I wasn’t really ok. After few days when I was casually talking about his behaviour or what had hurt me about his behaviour, he abruptly left the chat. After a week gap, I messaged him " hi…how r u dng…" then he replied “I am done with talking. I am done with feelings too”.

I don’t understand his behaviour. When I moved on, he himself msgd me stating sorry and later he himself left me by saying the same dialogues which I said him. I feel so disturbed by his behaviour. I feel he is kind of egoistic that he always wanted to ignore and wants me to crave back.but the connection we share reminds me of him. How do I get out of his thoughts!


Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker
2 replies

Listen dear I understand how you are feeling rn and I promise that you will not feel the same all your life. Whenever you think of him distract yourself or engage yourself in other work. If you feel like crying you can cry. Once you have moved on and I know that you will donot and if he messages you to get back don’t reply. Learn to ignore him. I know it’s hard to ignore people for whom you have feelings but you will learn eventually. All the best love.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @skybroker

Akash Dalal @skybroker

you are strong person. remember that.

and you had move before i think you can do it again.
but this time dont let him hurt you in anyway.

you are right about your feeling. just let it go…
let it go…


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