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Hi everyone, so my sister has been keeping this secret away from us and apparently it’s regarding our dad who watches porn videos for quite a long time and most girls in the videos are around our age(19-26) or can be younger as how my sister describe. Both of us are feeling disgusted and my mum was shocked and upset about it where she can’t even look at my dad face anymore. I went to do some research on Quora regarding this but most of the answers were saying that it’s normal and we shouldn’t invade his privacy space. Idk how to feel about this as I can no longer see my dad the same anymore. Is it normal for a mid 50s man with a wife and 2 grown children to be watching porn?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen
9 replies

maybe someone in their 50s can answer this , i have absolutely no idea but i have a question, is it okay for a person under 30 or 40 to watch porn?
Best advice would be not to invade his privacy.


I understand regarding the privacy but the problem is that my mum wasn’t aware and my sister is only 18 and she keep seeing weird videos from his phone way younger when he wasn’t being too careful to keep it hidden. Also we grew up with my dad who is quite traditional in a sense by telling us to cover up and take care of our dignity and here he is watching porn?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ileen

Ileen @ileen

It’s hard to accept



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It is not normal but yes being in his 50s you can imagine he won’t have had sex from a long time. Its best that your mom should talk about it with him and ask him not to do so, and you should stay away. No matter what he is your dad look at him as the same way and even he sees you the same.

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If you, your sister and mom feel disgusted, then it is indeed disgusting and shouldn’t be normalised. Forget what other people think, if a family members feel disgusted, then it shouldn’t be invalidated. Porn is never a good thing. There are more negative consequences than benefits. It shouldn’t be exposed to anyone. Sex should remains private.


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