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Hi everyone, is it normal for girls to feel attracted to other girls?
I had bf long ago but I always feel more attracted to girls. What am I ? Bisexual or pansexual or lesbian?

11 replies

You won’t know unless you try!!


Try dating apps and flirt then if ur comfortable yall could even do it


I was being honest… N straight forward


I would say that you’re bi. But what I’m saying doesn’t matter. You need to experiment with lables and see what you like the most.
As someone who is bi, ik that it can seem very scary and confusing especially in the start. But it’ll get better. Don’t rush into trying to name what you’re feeling. Let things be, they’ll sort themselves out.




Actually for me i am so awkward with guys. I can’t never be honest with them, i behave like someone i’m not. But with girls i know how cheerful i am. I feel irritating when they date make me question myself whether i am lesb or not. But i do watch porn, and i don’t like lesb porn . But i like gey ones even though am a girl😒. I can’t think my friends (girls) in that way. It disgust me. But sometimes i really wanna hug and kiss them and say don’t go for guys. It is sooo complicated. I know am a weirdo.


You are all right. Everyone is weird in some or the other way


Thank you for sharing this. Hugs


Yeah. I dnt know why it is like that.


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